Publication Scheme
Section 8 of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish as much information as possible in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis outside of FOI, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency and accountability as set out in Sections 8(5) and 11(3) of the Act. This allows for the publication or giving of records outside of FOI provided that such publication or giving of access is not prohibited by law. The scheme commits FOI bodies to make information available as part of their normal business activities in accordance with this scheme.
The CRR’s FOI Publication Scheme which is in line with the guidance issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform is set out below. Each link in the scheme leads to a page comprising relevant information in the category. If the information is not currently made publicly available by the CRR, you may consider making a Freedom of Information request.
A. Information about the CRR.
Location and Contact details of the CRR.
Commission for Railway Regulation
A94 Y5W5
Tel: 01-2068110
GPS: N 53°18'07'' W 6°10'50''
Links to other bodies under the FOI body’s remit. Not applicable as no other bodies under the CRR.
Detail of Service Level Agreements/Memorandum of Undrstandings. (Include MoU with HSA and the Performance Delivery Agreement with DTTAS. Do we need a home for these?)
Codes of Practice and Guidelines. The CRR does not have any CoP but produces guidance which can be found here.
B. Services Provided by the CRR to the public.
Services provided to the public including administration of enactment or scheme.
The CRR does not provide and administrative service for schemes.
Members of the public can make a representation to the CRR in relation to a concern they have relating to the heavy or light rail network. All information in relation to this can be found here.
C. Decision making process for major policy proposals.
The process whereby the CRR can engage in public consultation exercises can be found here.
D. Financial Information.
Major plans for capital expenditure – Not applicable.
Governance Board Member remuneration. Not applicable as the CRR does not have a Board.
Funding/Sponsorship of non-public bodies. None provided.
E. Procurement.
Competitive tendering is the standard procedure in the procurement process of the CRR. Procurement procedure can be seen here.
The CRR tender competitions are advertised on
Public contracts awarded over €25K can be seen here.
F. FOI Disclosure Log and other information published routinely.
FOI Disclosure Log
The CRR does not charge for any reports.